How to Thrive as a Mom Who Works Without Sacrificing Your Identity, Compromising Your Career or Letting Mom Guilt Hold You Back

How to Thrive as a Mom Who Works Without Sacrificing Your Identity, Compromising Your Career or Letting Mom Guilt Hold You Back

Let me guess, you’re currently…

Let me guess, you’re currently…

  • ​Torn between work and family, grappling with guilt for not being fully present in either role
  • ​Striving for the 'supermom' ideal, feeling the pressure to excel both at work and in motherhood, leaving you stretched thin
  • In a constant balancing act between work & parenting, leaving little room for self-care or personal time
  • ​Struggling to define yourself beyond your roles, feeling the challenge of preserving your individuality amid multiple responsibilities
  • Striving for the best for your children, and your family, wanting to help you kids be the best they can be
  • Physically & emotionally exhausted, and honestly, burnout is just a short step away
  • ​Sometimes doubting your abilities as a mother and a professional
  • Juggling so many things that ​your own time takes a backseat, with no time for yourself
  • ​Maybe you find yourself thinking “is this all there is?”
  • ​Wondering how other working moms do it and seem to "have it all"
  • ​Feeling the weight of the mental load of being the one who keeps everything going for your family
  • ​Torn between work and family, grappling with guilt for not being fully present in either role
  • ​Striving for the 'supermom' ideal, feeling the pressure to excel both at work and in motherhood, leaving you stretched thin
  • In a constant balancing act between work & parenting, leaving little room for self-care or personal time
  • ​Struggling to define yourself beyond your roles, feeling the challenge of preserving your individuality amid multiple responsibilities
  • Striving for the best for your children, and your family, wanting to help you kids be the best they can be
  • Physically & emotionally exhausted, and honestly, burnout is just a short step away
  • ​Sometimes doubting your abilities as a mother and a professional
  • Juggling so many things that ​your own time takes a backseat, making it hard to find time yourself
  • ​Maybe you find yourself thinking “is this all there is?”
  • ​Wondering how other working moms do it and seem to "have it all"
  • ​Feeling the weight of the mental load of being the person who keeps everything going for your family

But you’d love to...

But you’d love to...

But you’d love to...

  • Feel more energised & in control as you flow between your roles as a mum & a professional
  • Achieve harmony between your professional & personal lives
  • ​Know that you’re making intentional choices, shaping a future that aligns with your dreams
  • ​See yourself fully present,  at work & at home, leaving behind the weight of guilt.
  • ​Have clarity and guidance in defining & creating what you want in your life
  • Feel more at ease about your life
  • Rediscover your true self – the passions, dreams, & interests that make you whole
  • ​Give yourself permission, time & energy to be able to be the best version of yourself everyday
  • Feel secure in your career fuelled by your unwavering dedication & talents
  • Master time to craft moments for yourself, your loved ones, & your aspirations ​- without the guilt
  • ​​​Feel the rush of achieving success on your terms, celebrating your career & motherhood
  • ​Finally feel like what you’re doing makes a difference to yourself, to others and to the world
  • ​Feel more secure in your career instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop
  • ​Be in a position of real influence
  • ​Know that decision makers see and value the real you 
  • Confidently go after that job that you really want
  • Be able to ask for (and get) that salary increase
  • Have the time for the important things in life 
  • Wake up every morning feeling fulfilled, energised, and confident that you have control over your career and your life
  • Know that regardless of what happens you will be able to provide for yourself and your loved ones
  • Have the answers you need to move forward

From one working mom to another, I hear you, I see you ... I've been you!

  • Feel more energised & in control as you flow between your roles as a mum & a professional
  • Achieve harmony between your professional & personal lives
  • ​Know that you’re making intentional choices, shaping a future that aligns with your dreams
  • ​​See yourself fully present, at work & at home, leaving behind the weight of guilt.
  • ​Have clarity and guidance in defining and creating what you want your life
  • Rediscover your true self – the passions, dreams, & interests that make you whole
  • Give yourself permission, time & energy to be able to the best version of yourself everyday
  • Feel secure in your career fuelled by your unwavering dedication & talents
  • Master time to craft moments for yourself, your loved ones, & your aspirations ​
  • ​​Feel the rush of achieving success on your terms, celebrating your career & motherhood

From one working mom to another, I hear you, I see you ... I've been you!

I struggled with all of this too ...

The relentless tug-of-war between my career and being a mother left me feeling torn, overwhelmed, and yes, guilty. I faced those long workdays while the echoes of "Am I missing out on their childhood?" haunted me.

And behind the facade ...

  • I felt like I was LOSING more and more of myself each day. 
  • The MENTAL LOAD of noticing and remembering everything for everyone left no energy or space to think about myself.  
  • STRUGGLING with one colicky baby and one with reflux meant so many sleepless nights, worrying that I'd missed something and if this was somehow all my fault.
  • ​Feeling like I SHOULD be able to do it all. And feeling like a failure!
  • ​If I could just BE MORE organised & disciplined ! I struggled to let go of anything and was well on the path to burnout!

And the feeling that I had to prove myself all over again at work only added to that stress.

I kept going but felt increasingly frustrated, isolated & resentful ....
UNTIL the night I was crying on the kitchen floor, leaning up against the fridge, holding my screaming baby ... and I knew things had to change!

I struggled with all of this too ...

The relentless tug-of-war between my career and being a mother left me feeling torn, overwhelmed, and yes, guilty. I faced those long workdays while the echoes of "Am I missing out on their childhood?" haunted me.

And behind the facade ...

  • I felt like I was losing more and more of myself each day. 
  • The mental load of noticing and remembering everything for everyone left no energy or space to think about myself.  
  • STRUGGLING with one colicky baby and one with reflux meant so many sleepless nights, worrying that I'd missed something and if this was somehow all my fault.
  • ​Feeling like I SHOULD be able to do it all. And feeling like a failure!
  • ​If I could just BE MORE organised & disciplined ! I struggled to let go of anything and was well on the path to burnout!

And the feeling that I had to prove myself all over again at work only added to that stress.

I was trapped in a cycle that seemed never-ending... I kept going but felt increasingly frustrated, isolated & resentful ....
UNTIL the night I was crying on the kitchen floor, leaning up against the fridge, holding my screaming baby ... and I knew things had to change!

From my own journey of discovery & letting go, I was able to .... 

  • Define and stick to my own non-negotiable boundaries
  • Let go of the unrealistic "motherhood ideal" & build my own version of what being a "good" mother is
  • ​Manage my mom guilt & feel more fulfilled, more often
  • Rebuild my new identity that matched my actual life!
  • ​​Decrease my mental load & build more flexibility into my life
  • ​Find more ease in my working mom journey
  • ​Build a business while being a twin mom!
It was possible for me ... and I know it's possible for you too!

From my own journey of discovery & letting go, I was able to .... 

  • Define and stick to my own non-negotiable boundaries
  • Let go of the unrealistic "motherhood ideal" & build my own version of what being a "good" mother is
  • ​Manage my mom guilt & feel more fulfilled, more often
  • Rebuild my new identity that matched my actual life!
  • ​​Decrease my mental load & build more flexibility into my life
  • ​Find more ease in my working mom journey
  • ​Build a business while being a twin mom!
It was possible for me ... and I know it's possible for you too!

I'm here to help YOU achieve this for yourself!

I'm here to help YOU achieve this for yourself!

You don't have to keep doing it on your own!!

Introducing ...

But you don't have to keep doing it on your own!!

Introducing ...

The only programme you’ll need to thrive as a Mom Who Works without Sacrificing Your Identity, Compromising Your Career or letting Mom Guilt limit you
The only programme you’ll need to thrive as a Mom Who Works without Sacrificing Your Identity, Compromising Your Career or letting Mom Guilt limit you
I've taken everything I've learned from my own lived experience, guidance from experts & training ...
I've done all the hard work for you .. and I'm here to help!

I've created the secret sauce to make your success inevitable and undeniable without feeling like you're  getting this "working mom" thing wrong or feeling judged by yourself or others to re-inspire you & and reignite your passion for what you do every day
I've taken everything I've learned from my own lived experience, guidance from experts & training ...
I've done all the hard work for you .. and I'm here to help!

I've created your secret weapon to make your success inevitable and undeniable without feeling like you're  getting this "working mom" thing wrong or feeling judged by yourself or others to re-inspire you & and reignite your passion for what you do every day

What exactly is

Balancing Brilliance is not your average training course ...

It's about: 
Getting it IMPLEMENTED in a way that makes sense for your life, 
Empowering you to take the INITIATIVE to get what you need. 

Most importantly, it's about getting you the support you need to thrive as a mom who works in community created for you.

You get a combination of live online sessions, pre-recorded videos, and downloadable resources along with dedicated support

You work at your own pace and in your own time based on what you want most with the support you need!

What exactly is

Balancing Brilliance is not your average training course ...

It's about: 
Getting it IMPLEMENTED in a way that makes sense for your life, 
Empowering you to take the INITIATIVE to get what you need. 

Most importantly, it's about getting you the support you need to thrive as a mom who works in community created for you.

You get a combination of live online sessions, pre-recorded videos, and downloadable resources along with dedicated support

You work at your own pace and in your own time based on what you want most with the support you need!

It's time for you to THRIVE, not just in your career, but in the beautiful chaos of being a working mom.

No-one has ALL the answers, but together we can figure out this thing called "working mom" - with support, real conversations & a clear path that makes sense for you.

Start Balancing Your Brilliance today!

It's time for you to THRIVE, not just in your career, but in the beautiful chaos of being a working mom.

No-one has ALL the answers, but together we can figure out this thing called "working mom" - with support, real conversations & a clear path that makes sense for you.

Start Balancing Your Brilliance today!

Balance is not something you find, it's something you create
Jana Kingsford
Balance is not something you find, it's something you create
Jana Kingsford

In my "kitchen melt down moment", what I wanted more than anything was a way to go ...



  • Feeling overwhelmed and torn between career & family responsibilities
  • Struggling with the clash of motherhood & career demands
  • ​Battling mom guilt & juggling competing roles
  • Feeling trapped by society's expectations and limited by guilt
  • ​Feeling alone in my struggles, and feeling like a failure
  • Confidently thriving in a life that aligned with my dreams
  • Effortlessly creating a life of fulfilment, where self-care, success, & family coexisted
  • ​Creating a life where my choices led to career growth & enriched family life
  • ​​Boldly crafting a path of personal success and work-life equilibrium, redefining my own version of brilliance

What I didn't understand is that ...

I was making it all HARDER than it needed to be
I deserved some time to myself ... and I WAS ALLOWED to take it
There is NO SECRET that allowed others to thrive while I struggled
I wasn't a FAILURE, I was a mom struggling without resources

And if this sounds like you then ....

is the place for YOU!

In my "kitchen melt down moment", what I wanted more than anything was a way to go ...

  • Feeling overwhelmed and torn between career & family responsibilities
  • Struggling with the clash of motherhood & career demands
  • ​Battling mom guilt & juggling competing roles
  • Feeling trapped by society's expectations and limited by guilt
  • ​Feeling alone in my struggles, and feeling like a failure


  • Confidently thriving in a life that aligned with my dreams
  • Effortlessly creating a life of fulfilment, where self-care, success, & family coexisted
  • ​Creating a life where my choices led to career growth & enriched family life
  • ​​Boldly crafting a path of personal success and work-life equilibrium, redefining my own version of brilliance

What I didn't understand is that ...

I was making it all HARDER than it needed to be
I deserved some time to myself ... and I WAS ALLOWED to take it
There is NO SECRET that allowed others to thrive while I struggled
I wasn't a FAILURE, I was a mom struggling without resources

And if this sounds like you then ....

is the place for YOU!

What You Will Discover

What You Will Discover

  • That you really aren't alone in the challenges you're facing - there's a world full of working moms just like who're struggling to get the balance right & who need support
  • ​That it's ok to want be more than "mom", that your identity can & should extend beyond that ... & how to reclaim & live your full identity
  • ​How "successful" working moms manage the clash between motherhood & career ... without an army of staff or infinite funds!
  • ​That it's not just about your time management - why working harder & doing more won't work & what to do instead
  • ​How to build your own beautiful balance in a world that undervalues care work
  • ​How to create more ease amid the chaos - for yourself, your family and your career
  • ​That disappearing from your life, your dreams & our ambitions is not the answer - and how to find the new you!
  • ​How to set up (& stick to!) your boundaries to get back time & energy in your life
  • ​The step-by-step process to building the life you actually want to live, instead of just surviving the one you're in
  • ​The steps to help you get unstuck and finally move forward to managing the complexities that exist for you with an ease you've never felt before
  • That you really aren't alone in the challenges you're facing - there's a world full of working moms just like who're struggling to get the balance right & who need support
  • ​That it's ok to want be more than "mom", that your identity can & should extend beyond that ... & how to reclaim & live your full identity
  • ​How "successful" working moms manage the clash between motherhood & career ... without an army of staff or infinite funds!
  • ​That it's not just about your time management - why working harder & doing more won't work & what to do instead
  • ​How to build your own beautiful balance in a world that undervalues care work
  • ​How to create more ease amid the chaos - for yourself, your family and your career
  • ​That disappearing from your life, your dreams & our ambitions is not the answer - and how to find the new you!
  • ​How to set up (& stick to!) your boundaries to get back time & energy in your life
  • ​The step-by-step process to building the life you actually want to live, instead of just surviving the one you're in
  • ​The steps to help you get unstuck and finally move forward to managing the complexities that exist for you with an ease you've never felt before

What's Included?

Content available immediately
Work at your own pace and in your own time
Weekly live group coaching / Q&A sessions 
4 months access to curriculum & support
Private community with others working moms
Downloadable toolkits to make it practical & impactful
Founding members get the value at a fraction of the cost
Personalised support & access through the private community
Content available immediately
Work at your own pace and in your own time
Weekly live group coaching / Q&A sessions 
4 months access to content & support
Private community with others working moms
Downloadable toolkits to make it practical & impactful
Founding members get the value at a fraction of the cost
Personalised support & access through the private community

Overview of the Programme

Overview of the Programme

It's not about doing more ... it's about doing what's right for you!

This 4 month programme is structured specifically for working moms, to enable you to fit this into your already packed schedule, so in our virtual sessions we cover:

Week 1

This is the knowledge transfer piece - the topic training - where we look at the content for the month 
45 mins 

Week 2

Tap into expert knowledge, tools and resources on the topic as you delve into for yourself
30 - 45 mins

Week 3

Live session for hot seat coaching, Q&A, conversation, sharing & support to empower you
60 - 90 minutes

Week 4

In this session we talk about how to unblock challenges & obstacles & celebrate your wins!
60 minutes

** And if chaos breaks loose in your household or your life, that's ok because all sessions are recorded & available in the private community so you can always catch up! **

Let's have a look at what we will cover & what you'll discover along this journey ...

It's not about doing more ... it's about doing what's right for you!

This 4 month programme is structured specifically for working moms, to enable you to fit this into your already packed schedule, so in our virtual sessions we cover:

Week 1

This is the knowledge transfer piece - the topic training - where we look at the content for the month 
45 mins 

Week 2

Tap into expert knowledge, tools and resources on the topic as you delve into for yourself
30 - 45 mins

Week 3

Live session for hot seat coaching, Q&A, conversation, sharing & support to empower you
60 - 90 minutes

Week 4

In this session we talk about how to unblock challenges & obstacles & celebrate your wins!
60 minutes

** And if chaos breaks loose in your household or your life, that's ok because all sessions are recorded & available in the private community so you can always catch up! **

Let's have a look at what we will cover & what you'll discover along this journey ...


Brilliant Beginnings

The programme overview introduces key concepts & sets you up for success through ...
  • ​Defining your expectations and outcomes for the programme
  • ​Developing the systems & processes that will support your journey
  • ​​Clarify your starting point - you can't get to where you want to go unless you know where you are!
  • ​Navigating & crafting your experience
  • ​Committing to yourself - putting your first (without the guilt!)


Brilliant Beginnings

The programme overview introduces key concepts & sets you up for success through ...
  • ​Defining your expectations and outcomes for the programme
  • ​Developing the systems & processes that will support your journey
  • ​​Clarify your starting point - you can't get to where you want to go unless you know where you are!
  • ​Navigating & crafting your experience
  • ​Committing to yourself - putting your first (without the guilt!)


Rediscovering You

Beyond Mom and Professional

Uncover your unique identity beyond the labels & roles of mother & professional. Embrace your passions, redefine success, and let go of unattainable ideals.
  • Reconnecting with what lights you up
  • ​Discover what truly matters to you, so that you can allocate your time and energy to the areas that align with your heart's desires.
  • ​Defining your motherhood manifesto to manage overwhelm
  • ​Defining what success really means for you ... and how you can craft your path to achieve it


Rediscovering You

Beyond Mom and Professional

Uncover your unique identity beyond the labels & roles of mother & professional. Embrace your passions, redefine success, and let go of unattainable ideals.
  • Reconnecting with what lights you up
  • ​Discover what truly matters to you, so that you can allocate your time and energy to the areas that align with your heart's desires.
  • ​Defining your motherhood manifesto to manage overwhelm
  • ​Defining what success really means for you ... and how you can craft your path to achieve it


Creating Perfect Imbalance

From Chasing Balance to Authentic Flow

Step into a new way of thriving. Stop chasing the illusion of perfect balance. Learn to flow through life's dynamic demands, prioritising with grace & ease, nurturing harmony on your terms
  • ​Why balance is unattainable - and what to do instead
  • Better ways to manage the cycle of overwhelm to reduce stress and burnout
  • Create your own village - regardless of where you are
  • ​Learn how to find more time in your days and weeks
  • ​​Create the ideal reality that works for you


Creating Perfect Imbalance

From Chasing Balance to Authentic Flow

Step into a new way of thriving. Stop chasing the illusion of perfect balance. Learn to flow through life's dynamic demands, prioritising with grace & ease, nurturing harmony on your terms
  • ​Why balance is unattainable - and what to do instead
  • Better ways to manage the cycle of overwhelm to reduce stress and burnout
  • Create your own village - regardless of where you are
  • ​Learn how to find more time in your days and weeks
  • ​​Create the ideal reality that works for you


Nurturing Brilliance

Revitalise and Connect

Make self-care an easy priority,  understand the critical elements of guilt-free self-care, and how being to be present for yourself will help your loved ones & help you nurture your own identity.
  • Decoding your mental load to make it more manageable
  • ​Why you're doing your loved ones a disservice by not giving yourself permission
  • ​​Increase your energy and vitality for everyday living
  • ​Avoid the mom burnout (& mom rage!) that's threatening not only yourself but your family
  • Practical tips and tricks for how to get started and stay on track


Nurturing Brilliance

Revitalise and connect

Make self-care an easy priority,  understand the critical elements of guilt-free self-care, and how being to be present for yourself will help your loved ones & help you nurture your own identity.
  • Decoding your mental load to make it more manageable
  • ​Why you're doing your loved ones a disservice by not giving yourself permission
  • ​​Increase your energy and vitality for everyday living
  • ​Avoid the mom burnout that's threatening not only yourself but your family
  • Practical tips and tricks for how to get started and stay on track


Balancing Brilliance

Career & Family Harmony

This module equips you with the skills, tools & knowledge to effectively manage stakeholders, engage in authentic communication & advocate for yourself in a natural & compelling way through real connections ...
  • Understand why you do the work you do - and how to ensure that you can do more of it
  • Set balanced and achievable goals that align with your career and family aspirations & that you actually achieve!
  • Managing the dialogue around being a mom who works
  • ​​Navigate different parenting stages and adapt as your children grow and your needs evolve.


Balancing Brilliance

Career & Family Harmony

This module equips you with the skills, tools & knowledge to effectively manage stakeholders, engage in authentic communication & advocate for yourself in a natural & compelling way through real connections ...
  • Understand why you do the work you do - and how to ensure that you can do more of it
  • Set balanced and achievable goals that align with your career and family aspirations & that you actually achieve!
  • Managing the dialogue around being a mom who works
  • ​​Navigate different parenting stages and adapt as your children grow and your needs evolve.


Flourishing Forward

Craft Your Success Story

Forge your own path, overcome barriers, set meaningful goals, and leave an empowering legacy for yourself and generations to come. Step into your new life with confidence, clarity and a sense of ease.
  • Bringing it all together with your long-term action plan 
  • Supporting you to create your unique path with confidence and resilience & embrace your individuality
  • Putting your processes & support systems in place to maintain your own momentum & ensure your success
  • ​Building your plan on unshakeable foundations so you'll never feel lost or stuck again
  • Enabling you to embody personal agency as you take ownership of your success, shape your future and create extraordinary outcomes
  • Empowering you to manage & celebrate your own journey to success


Flourishing Forward

Craft your success story

Forge your own path, overcome barriers, set meaningful goals, and leave an empowering legacy for yourself and generations to come. Step into your new life with confidence, clarity and a sense of ease.
  • Bringing it all together with your long-term action plan 
  • Supporting you to create your unique path with confidence and resilience & embrace your individuality
  • Putting your processes & support systems in place to maintain your own momentum & ensure your success
  • ​Building your plan on unshakeable foundations so you'll never feel lost or stuck again
  • Enabling you to embody personal agency as you take ownership of your success, shape your future and create extraordinary outcomes
  • Empowering you to manage & celebrate your own journey to success
Life is a puzzle, and each piece represents a different aspect of your life. It's up to you to make them fit together
Halle Berry
Life is a puzzle, and each piece represents a different aspect of your life. It's up to you to make them fit together
Halle Berry

What My Clients Say ..... 

“She gives me the confidence to work through my challenges, in order to achieve my goals, 
in a way that is authentic and unique to me”

Kim, Amsterdam
“I would highly recommend Sally, she is a superb coach and if you need help in achieving a goal,
Sally will help you achieve it super quickly, empowering you so you owned the outcome, plus you earn a lot about yourself along the way!”

Alison, UK
“Sally’s wealth of experience in business and coaching skills, together with her empathy for the demands  of family life have really provided the encouragement and support I needed to progress more smoothly”

Jo, UK

What My Clients Say ..... 

“She gives me the confidence to work through my challenges, in order to achieve my goals, 
in a way that is authentic and unique to me”
Kim, Amsterdam
“I would highly recommend Sally, she is a superb coach and if you need help in achieving a goal, Sally will help you achieve it super quickly, empowering you so you owned the outcome, plus you learn a lot about yourself along the way!”
Alison, UK
“Sally’s wealth of experience in business and coaching skills, together with her empathy for the demands  of family life have really provided the encouragement and support I needed to progress more smoothly”
Jo, UK

This is a NEW programme, and as a founding member you will receive:

This is a NEW programme, and as a founding member you will receive:

  Balancing Brilliance Content (Value $997)
  16 Group Coaching Sessions (Value: $1,500)
Bonus: Maximising Mindset (Value $297)
  Workbooks & Resources (Value: $197)
  The Balancing Brilliance Content
Value $1,997
  16 Group Coaching Sessions
Value: $1,500
Bonus: Maximising Mindset 
Value $297
  Workbooks & Resources 
Value: $197


Special Founding Member Bonuses

Unbreakable Boundaries 
Deep Dive

Live your best life by managing your life for better mental health, more resilience, more energy with this course

 Value: $497

Complete Stakeholder Management Blueprint

The complete blueprint to your authentic & natural connection plan for your career advancement... go be beyond the ordinary and be unexpected

Value :$297

Radiant You: 
Self-Care Navigator

 Elevate your journey with this planner & journal. A treasure trove of self-care concepts, daily cues, and exercises. Curate a self-care routine that resonates with you

Value: $197

Founding Member 

Normally $1,997

Founding Member 

Normally $1,997

Join today for

$497 one payment
$197 x 3 monthly payments

Join today for

$497 one payment
$197 x 3 monthly payments

PLUS: Fast Acting Bonuses
The first 5 people get:

PLUS: Fast Acting Bonuses
The first 5 people get:

The Dealing with (Self) Doubt Course

Working on your self doubt & imposter syndrome to move forward positively and intentionally without the barriers you have now  

Value: $497

1:1 Coaching

First 5 people get a free 90-minute 1:1 coaching call session where we dive into any topic that is relevant for you right now to kick start your journey

Value: $180

Founding Member Bonuses

Unbreakable Boundaries 
Deep Dive

Live your best life by managing your life for better mental health, more resilience, more energy with this course

 Value: $497

Complete Stakeholder Management Blueprint

The complete blueprint to your authentic & natural connection plan for your career advancement... go be beyond the ordinary and be unexpected

Value :$297

Radiant You: 
Self-Care Navigator

 Elevate your journey with this planner & journal. A treasure trove of self-care concepts, daily cues, and exercises. Curate a self-care routine that resonates with you

Value: $297

Founding Member 

Normally $1,997

Join today for

$497 one payment
$197 x 3 monthly payments

PLUS: Fast Acting Bonuses
The first 5 people get:

The Dealing with (Self) Doubt Course

Working on your self doubt & imposter syndrome to move forward positively and intentionally without the barriers you have now  

Value: $497

1:1 Coaching

First 5 people get a free 90-minute 1:1 coaching call session where we dive into any topic that is relevant for you right now to kick start your journey

Value: $180
 I think every working mom probably feels the same thing: You go through big chunks of time where you’re just thinking, 'This is impossible—oh, this is impossible.' And then you just keep going and keep going, and you sort of do the impossible 
Tina Fey
 I think every working mom probably feels the same thing: You go through big chunks of time where you’re just thinking, 'This is impossible—oh, this is impossible.' And then you just keep going and keep going, and you sort of do the impossible 
Tina Fey

Who is this programme for and not for?

Who is this programme for and not for?

This programme is for you if you ...

  • Are a dedicated working mother juggling the demands of both your career and your family
  • ​Find yourself constantly overwhelmed by the clash of roles.
  • Want to find ways to make ​navigating the complexities of being a mom who works easier
  • ​Feel like mom guilt has become a familiar companion, making you question your choices and clouding your joy in both your career and your motherhood journey.
  • ​Are ready to redefine your identity beyond being a mom and a professional, discovering the authentic you beneath the labels.
  • Are tired of chasing a perfect balance and instead want to embrace a flexible and realistic approach that allows you to thrive.
  • ​​Think you'd benefit from connecting with other like-minded working moms, and receive support in a safe and non-judgmental space (hint: you will!).
  • ​​Committed to advancing your career without sacrificing your role as a mother.
  • ​Prepared to go on a transformational journey, equipped with tools, resources, and coaching that will empower you to navigate the duality of motherhood and career with grace and confidence.

This programme is NOT for you if you ...

  • Believe you've already achieved the perfect balance between your career and motherhood and don't seek further support or growth in this area.
  • Aren't open to investing the time and effort required for self-reflection, growth.
  • ​Want an instant solution without being open to the journey of self-discovery, mindset shifts, and incremental changes that lead to lasting transformation.
  • Are resistant to exploring new perspectives, embracing change, and adapting to fresh strategies that could enhance your experience as a working mom.
  • Aren't willing to engage in a supportive community of fellow working moms, share experiences, and contribute positively to the growth of others.
  • Aren't ready to challenge limiting beliefs or societal norms that may be contributing to challenges in both your career and motherhood.
  • ​Exclusively seeking career-specific training without an interest in addressing the holistic challenges of being a working mother.
  • ​Aren't committed to personal growth, mindset shifts, and embracing new approaches that lead to improved well-being, fulfilment, and empowerment.

Who is this programme for and not for?

This programme is for you if you ...

  • Are a dedicated working mother juggling the demands of both your career and your family
  • ​Find yourself constantly overwhelmed by the clash of roles.
  • Want to find ways to make ​navigating the complexities of being a mom who works easier
  • ​If mom guilt has become a familiar companion, making you question your choices and clouding your joy in both your career and your motherhood journey.
  • ​Are ready to redefine your identity beyond being a mom and a professional, discovering the authentic you beneath the labels.
  • Are tired of chasing a perfect balance and instead want to embrace a flexible and realistic approach that allows you to thrive.
  • ​​Think you'd benefit from connecting with other like-minded working moms, and receive support in a safe and non-judgmental space (hint: you will!).
  • ​​Committed to advancing your career without sacrificing your role as a mother.
  • ​Prepared to go on a transformational journey, equipped with tools, resources, and coaching that will empower you to navigate the duality of motherhood and career with grace and confidence.

This programme is NOT for you if you ...

  • Believe you've already achieved the perfect balance between your career and motherhood and don't seek further support or growth in this area.
  • Aren't open to investing the time and effort required for self-reflection, growth.
  • ​Want an instant solution without being open to the journey of self-discovery, mindset shifts, and incremental changes that lead to lasting transformation.
  • Are resistant to exploring new perspectives, embracing change, and adapting to fresh strategies that could enhance your experience as a working mom.
  • Aren't willing to engage in a supportive community of fellow working moms, share experiences, and contribute positively to the growth of others.
  • Aren't ready to challenge limiting beliefs or societal norms that may be contributing to challenges in both your career and motherhood.
  • ​Exclusively seeking career-specific training without an interest in addressing the holistic challenges of being a working mother.
  • ​Aren't committed to personal growth, mindset shifts, and embracing new approaches that lead to improved well-being, fulfilment, and empowerment.

I am a mother. My hobbies include neglecting my hair, repeating myself over and over, daydreaming about bedtime, feeling guilty about wishing time away, constantly picking up the couch cushions, and never peeing by myself.

I am a mother. My hobbies include neglecting my hair, repeating myself over and over, daydreaming about bedtime, feeling guilty about wishing time away, constantly picking up the couch cushions, and never peeing by myself.

Still have some questions?
Like maybe ...

Still have some questions?
Like maybe ...

Q:  What is "Balancing Brilliance" all about?
A: Balancing Brilliance is a transformational 3-month group coaching program specifically designed for working mothers. It empowers you to thrive in both your career and motherhood by providing strategies, resources, and a supportive community to navigate the challenges and find authentic harmony

Q: How exactly does this work?
A: Once you’ve signed up and have been sent your access credentials, you sign in and you can start. This is a curriculum based programme, supported by weekly group coaching calls, additional toolkits or workbooks, and is a self-paced journey. You select when and where you go through the curriculum and you take actions in your own time. You own your journey and you will get a huge amount of the the programme if you’re prepared to put in the work

Q: Will all the content be available when I join?
A: Yes, all the content will be available to you when you join. We may update or add in extra elements based on your requests or feedback, but you can dive right in as soon as you join

Q: Is this program suitable for new working moms? 
A: Absolutely. Whether you're a new working mom or have been juggling both roles for a while, the program caters to your unique needs, helping you find balance, authenticity, and success

Q: What is a "founding member?"
A: After working with many clients and hearing from them what they needed most, I wanted to reach MORE people. And that meant I had to turn my 1:1 programme into a group offer. And being a founding member means that you get in on the ground floor, with more access to me and support from me. It also means that you will have the opportunity to help hone the programme based on your feedback. You get everything that will be offered later on, and more, at a fraction of the future cost ... go you!

Q: What support do I get exactly?
A: Ok - there is a LOT of support available to you
- To start off with there is the programme and the course content including all the downloadable resources, guides and templates
- We have weekly calls set up in different formats to enable you to connect, learn, share & move yourself forward without pressure, with support & in a way that fits into your life..
- The weekly sessions vary in length and are all recorded so you can catch up in your own time, when it makes sense for you.
- There is the Private Community where you can post questions, updates or start discussions with the broader group for input and support
- Finally you have the DM functionality in the Community where you can contact me directly.
That's a lot of support! 

Q: How do the live coaching calls work?
A: There are 4 calls per month each with a different focus. In Week 1 I will share insights into the topic, this will be most like the training you are probably used to. In Week 2, we will get inspired by experts, resources to start making this really real for you. In Week 3 we talk about how you're going about implementing your plan and then in Week 4 we make sure your plan is working for you!
Should you be unable to attend the call, the recordings will be accessible for all group members at any time during the programme so you won’t miss out on anything!

Q: What if I can't attend all live coaching sessions? 
A: No worries. All coaching sessions are recorded, so you can catch up whenever it's convenient for you. Plus, you can submit questions in advance if you can't make it live

Q: What if I'm not sure about my passions beyond motherhood and career? 
A: We'll explore this together. The program includes exercises to rediscover your passions and individuality beyond these roles, helping you craft an authentic identity.

Q: Is this program only for moms in specific careers? 
A: Not at all. The program is for working mothers across various professions. Whether you're in corporate, entrepreneurship, or any other field, the content is adaptable to your journey.

Q: How is this program different from other courses? 
A: Balancing Brilliance is more than just a course—it's a coaching program with a strong focus on community support. You'll have personalized guidance, live interactions, and a supportive network of fellow working moms.

Q: How do I know that this will work for me?
A: The honest answer here is that you don't know right now ... but I can guarantee that if you follow the curriculum, take advantage of all the support and DO THE WORK you will be in a better, more secure, more motivated position than you are currently ... and that's the goal right? To do something different to be able to FINALLY unlock yourself, get out of the slump, overcome the plateau and feel re-connected to your career and your success again! This is not "just another course", all the support you get along your way is specifically designed to help you make a change and make progress, gain momentum to a real transformation that you can be proud of.

Q: What if I’m not comfortable sharing personal challenges with people I don’t know?
A: Please be assured that everyone’s privacy is protected. And if you do not feel comfortable sharing in the group, you can DM me privately and I can point you in the right direction and give you feedback. This is not a 1:1 coaching session but a way to ensure that you can still stay on track with your progress.

Q: How long will I have access to the curriculum?
A: As a founding member, you will have access to the recorded curriculum for 6 months. The work you're going to be putting in part of a journey, it's not a destination. With 6 months access, you can implement, review, and adjust for maximum personal and professional impact

Q: What if I want 1:1 coaching in addition to the group coaching?
A: As a founding member you can select to have additional 1:1 coaching at a discounted rate and if you add 1:1 sessions with your initial order, these will be discounted from $500 for 4 sessions to $250.

Q:  What is "Balancing Brilliance" all about?
A: Balancing Brilliance is a transformational 3-month group coaching program specifically designed for working mothers. It empowers you to thrive in both your career and motherhood by providing strategies, resources, and a supportive community to navigate the challenges and find authentic harmony

Q: How exactly does this work?
A: Once you’ve signed up and have been sent your access credentials, you sign in and you can start. This is a curriculum based programme, supported by weekly group coaching calls, additional toolkits or workbooks, and is a self-paced journey. You select when and where you go through the curriculum and you take actions in your own time. You own your journey and you will get a huge amount of the the programme if you’re prepared to put in the work

Q: Will all the content be available when I join?
A: Yes, all the content will be available to you when you join. We may update or add in extra elements based on your requests or feedback, but you can dive right in as soon as you join

Q: Is this program suitable for new working moms? 
A: Absolutely. Whether you're a new working mom or have been juggling both roles for a while, the program caters to your unique needs, helping you find balance, authenticity, and success

Q: What is a "founding member?"
A: After working with many clients and hearing from them what they needed most, I wanted to reach MORE people. And that meant I had to turn my 1:1 programme into a group offer. And being a founding member means that you get in on the ground floor, with more access to me and support from me. It also means that you will have the opportunity to help hone the programme based on your feedback. You get everything that will be offered later on, and more, at a fraction of the future cost ... go you!

Q: What support do I get exactly?
A: Ok - there is a LOT of support available to you
- To start off with there is the programme and the course content including all the downloadable resources, guides and templates
- We have weekly calls set up in different formats to enable you to connect, learn, share & move yourself forward without pressure, with support & in a way that fits into your life..
- The weekly sessions vary in length and are all recorded so you can catch up in your own time, when it makes sense for you.
- There is the Private Community where you can post questions, updates or start discussions with the broader group for input and support
- Finally you have the DM functionality in the Community where you can contact me directly.
That's a lot of support! 

Q: How do the live coaching calls work?
A: There are 4 calls per month each with a different focus. In Week 1 I will share insights into the topic, this will be most like the training you are probably used to. In Week 2, we will get inspired by experts, resources to start making this really real for you. In Week 3 we talk about how you're going about implementing your plan and then in Week 4 we make sure your plan is working for you!
Should you be unable to attend the call, the recordings will be accessible for all group members at any time during the programme so you won’t miss out on anything!

Q: What if I can't attend all live coaching sessions? 
A: No worries. All coaching sessions are recorded, so you can catch up whenever it's convenient for you. Plus, you can submit questions in advance if you can't make it live

Q: What if I'm not sure about my passions beyond motherhood and career? 
A: We'll explore this together. The program includes exercises to rediscover your passions and individuality beyond these roles, helping you craft an authentic identity.

Q: Is this program only for moms in specific careers? 
A: Not at all. The program is for working mothers across various professions. Whether you're in corporate, entrepreneurship, or any other field, the content is adaptable to your journey.

Q: How is this program different from other courses? 
A: Balancing Brilliance is more than just a course—it's a coaching program with a strong focus on community support. You'll have personalized guidance, live interactions, and a supportive network of fellow working moms.

Q: How do I know that this will work for me?
A: The honest answer here is that you don't know right now ... but I can guarantee that if you follow the curriculum, take advantage of all the support and DO THE WORK you will be in a better, more secure, more motivated position than you are currently ... and that's the goal right? To do something different to be able to FINALLY unlock yourself, get out of the slump, overcome the plateau and feel re-connected to your career and your success again! This is not "just another course", all the support you get along your way is specifically designed to help you make a change and make progress, gain momentum to a real transformation that you can be proud of.

Q: What if I’m not comfortable sharing personal challenges with people I don’t know?
A: Please be assured that everyone’s privacy is protected. And if you do not feel comfortable sharing in the group, you can DM me privately and I can point you in the right direction and give you feedback. This is not a 1:1 coaching session but a way to ensure that you can still stay on track with your progress.

Q: How long will I have access to the curriculum?
A: As a founding member, you will have access to the recorded curriculum for 6 months. The work you're going to be putting in part of a journey, it's not a destination. With 6 months access, you can implement, review, and adjust for maximum personal and professional impact

Q: What if I want 1:1 coaching in addition to the group coaching?
A: As a founding member you can select to have additional 1:1 coaching at a discounted rate and if you add 1:1 sessions with your initial order, these will be discounted from $500 for 4 sessions to $250.

Sally Wade: Creating Intentional Success 

Qualified Leadership & Executive Coach and Founder at 
Sally Wade Coaching

As a Leadership & Executive Coach and a fellow mom who works, Sally Wade is driven by a heartfelt mission—to empower, uplift, and guide working mothers on their unique journey of balancing career and motherhood. With twin 4-year-old girls of her own, Sally intimately understands the intricate dance of navigating professional aspirations and nurturing a loving family.

Sally's passion is to help you discover the brilliance within yourself and cultivate intentional success as a working mom. With her deep empathy, vast knowledge and lived experience, she provides personalised strategies to harmonise your roles, ignite purpose, and unveil clarity in your daily pursuits.

With over two decades in the corporate realm, Sally has traversed the challenges from the frontlines to executive leadership. This rich background equips her to offer insightful solutions that address both the complexities of the professional world and the joys and responsibilities of motherhood.

Central to Sally's coaching approach is nurturing self-awareness and aligning your core values with your ambitions. By placing you at the heart of her coaching process, she ensures that you not only achieve professional heights but also find profound fulfilment in every aspect of life.

In today's fast-paced landscape, the journey of a working mom is both rewarding and demanding. Sally, walks alongside you, cheering you on, offering insights, and advocating for your success. Together, let's unlock your potential, define your own version of triumph, and flourish with intention, grace, and authenticity.
As a Leadership & Executive Coach and a fellow mom who works, Sally Wade is driven by a heartfelt mission—to empower, uplift, and guide working mothers on their unique journey of balancing career and motherhood. With twin 4-year-old girls of her own, Sally intimately understands the intricate dance of navigating professional aspirations and nurturing a loving family.

Sally's passion is to help you discover the brilliance within yourself and cultivate intentional success as a working mom. With her deep empathy, vast knowledge and lived experience, she provides personalised strategies to harmonise your roles, ignite purpose, and unveil clarity in your daily pursuits.

With over two decades in the corporate realm, Sally has traversed the challenges from the frontlines to executive leadership. This rich background equips her to offer insightful solutions that address both the complexities of the professional world and the joys and responsibilities of motherhood.

Central to Sally's coaching approach is nurturing self-awareness and aligning your core values with your ambitions. By placing you at the heart of her coaching process, she ensures that you not only achieve professional heights but also find profound fulfilment in every aspect of life.

In today's fast-paced landscape, the journey of a working mom is both rewarding and demanding. Sally, walks alongside you, cheering you on, offering insights, and advocating for your success. Together, let's unlock your potential, define your own version of triumph, and flourish with intention, grace, and authenticity.

Sally Wade: Creating Intentional Success 

Qualified Leadership & Executive Coach and Founder at 
Sally Wade Coaching

As a Leadership & Executive Coach and a fellow mom who works, Sally Wade is driven by a heartfelt mission—to empower, uplift, and guide working mothers on their unique journey of balancing career and motherhood. With twin 4-year-old girls of her own, Sally intimately understands the intricate dance of navigating professional aspirations and nurturing a loving family.

Sally's passion is to help you discover the brilliance within yourself and cultivate intentional success as a working mom. With her deep empathy, vast knowledge and lived experience, she provides personalised strategies to harmonise your roles, ignite purpose, and unveil clarity in your daily pursuits.

With over two decades in the corporate realm, Sally has traversed the challenges from the frontlines to executive leadership. This rich background equips her to offer insightful solutions that address both the complexities of the professional world and the joys and responsibilities of motherhood.

Central to Sally's coaching approach is nurturing self-awareness and aligning your core values with your ambitions. By placing you at the heart of her coaching process, she ensures that you not only achieve professional heights but also find profound fulfilment in every aspect of life.

In today's fast-paced landscape, the journey of a working mom is both rewarding and demanding. Sally, walks alongside you, cheering you on, offering insights, and advocating for your success. Together, let's unlock your potential, define your own version of triumph, and flourish with intention, grace, and authenticity.

If you've made it all the way to this part of the page, I only have 1 question for you:

What's stopping you right now from investing in yourself?

__ // __

Don't have the time?

You only need to spend 30 minutes a day investing in yourself with this programme

__ // __

I've got this far on my own ...

"If you want to go fast, go alone
If you want to go far, go together"

__ // __

I don't need any help ...

Everyone needs help sometimes. Staying on your island might feel safe, but you may also end up just feeling like a castaway. You don't need to "go it alone" and you shouldn't have to!

__ // __

I'm just not sure it's for me ...

You can't expect something different if you don't do anything different than what you've always done. Step out of your comfort zone ... that's where growth and success live, just outside your comfort zone.

__ // __

If you've made it all the way to this part of the page, I only have 1 question for you:

What's stopping you right now from investing in yourself?

__ // __

Don't have the time?

You only need to spend 30 minutes a day investing in yourself with this programme

__ // __

I've got this far on my own ...

"If you want to go fast, go alone
If you want to go far, go together"

__ // __

I don't need any help ...

Everyone needs help sometimes. Staying on your island might feel safe, but you may also end up just feeling like a castaway. You don't need to "go it alone" and you shouldn't have to!

__ // __

I'm just not sure it's for me ...

You can't expect something different if you don't do anything different than what you've always done. Step out of your comfort zone ... that's where growth and success live, just outside your comfort zone.

__ // __
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